Zimkita Precious Mabindla

Hey there!

I am Zimkita, I am a CA (SA) with over 23 years’ diversified and well-rounded career path. 

I am first, foremost and always, a Mommy.  The birth of Ramorata in 2006, created a yearning in me to be an empowered human being in all spheres of my life. Why? Because you cannot give young people what you don’t have. I am passionate about the amazing young people of my profession. I endeavour, to lead exactly the same in private as I do in public.

This is my word to young people, it’s a word that aims to empower, ask fundamental questions, and encourage people to reflect; a word that, I hope, will inspire action on the part of those it touches. Z is my final word on matters that are close to my heart and this website represents my views. 

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